
What to Wear: A Loose Guide for Creative Academics

What to Wear: A Loose Guide for Creative Academics

I’m writing this post because I have so many colleagues that have asked me for fashion advice on what to wear that I thought I’d share some thoughts about how to can navigate this weird world. Granted, maybe this is obvious for you – or maybe you don’t care about fashion – but I LOVE fashion and I love feeling good in what I’m wearing – so finding ways to not only imbue my personal style AND feel professional is something I continue to strive for. I also want to wear clothes that, on a moment’s notice, I would feel comfortable getting up and performing or presenting – should that happen. If you’re in a more conservative field, this might not be for you, but I’m a musician working at a music conservatory in a popular music songwriting department, so…that’s where my perspective lies.